Cobb County
Genealogical Society


Providing information and encouraging the exchange of genealogical information and research techniques.

Support CCGS and Our Mission by Donating Today

CCGS provides genealogical learning opportunities through informative programs, educational events, publications, meetings, records preservation, and advocacy. CCGS is a 501(c) charitable organization that maintains an extremely lean budget and your donation will go directly to support our mission to advance your family research and better meet the needs of our genealogical community. Your financial contribution makes a difference and may be fully tax deductible under current federal law. Please check with your tax advisor. Thank you for supporting our mission.

Advice, contacts, and suggestions on a wide range of genealogical applications and solutions.

Our online calendar contains all of our events so that you will never miss a single great presentation.

Several publications for sale researched, edited and published by our members, both past and present.

Our Mission

The Cobb County Genealogical Society is a non-profit community of geographically and culturally diverse family historians and genealogists. We strive to provide learning opportunities through informative programs, educational events, publications, meetings, and advocacy.


Our Next Events

Writing SIG (Virtual)

April 3 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Let’s Do Something SIG (Virtual)

April 12 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

DNA SIG (Virtual)

April 15 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

General Meeting

April 22 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

View Our Projects

Full List In Our Member’s Area

Special Interest Groups For All

Let’s Do
Something SIG

Photography & Genealogy SIG

Technology & Genealogy SIG


Learn Together

When and Where We Meet

  • When: General Meetings are held at 7 PM on the fourth Tuesday of every month, except December and as otherwise published in the Calendar of Events
  • Where: First Presbyterian Church, 189 Church Street, Marietta, Georgia or as otherwise published in the Calendar of Events. In addition to the main parking lot, FPC has 2 additional lots nearby. Click here to locate the other parking lots. (Note: Please direct inquiries to our Society.

All visitors are welcome!