You do not have to be a resident of Cobb County or have ancestors in the county or in Georgia to benefit from membership in the Cobb County Genealogical Society.

Who are you?

Are you curious about your family origins? Is there a family story that you would like to check out or prove? Would you like to learn more about yourself, enhance your knowledge of history, and have fun at the same time? Genealogy is the answer!

Why Join a Genealogy Society?

  • One Stop Center: for advice, contacts, inspiration, and suggestions on a wide range of genealogical applications and solutions. There is always help when you have encountered an issue or ‘brick wall’.
  • Continuing Education: on methodology, strategies, updates on research trends, the role of the computer and internet, and many other issues that concern genealogists.
  • Networking Opportunities: with other genealogists through monthly lectures, seminars, SIGs, and research opportunities – all focusing on information exchange and research.
  • Publications: such as genealogy journals and newsletters are exchanged with other genealogical societies nationwide providing research aids.

Can I Just Use the Internet To Do Genealogical Research?

Genealogists do not consider much of the information on the Internet as a primary source (records created at or near the time an event occurred). Frequently, there is only an index referring the researcher to the original source.

Most books, including those published by genealogical societies, are copyrighted. These books cannot be reproduced on the Internet without the written permission of the author or publisher. There are hundreds of thousands of books in libraries and archives that are not available on the Internet.

Several local records such as property, tax, wills, and estate records are on the Internet, but you will still need evidence of the primary source and know how to validate the record(s).

Membership Application (January 1 – December 31)