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Photography and Genealogy SIG (2nd  Thursday with quarterly dates to be determined)

The Photography & Genealogy SIG focuses on using photography for genealogy. This SIG offers quarterly meetings that are in-person or virtual.


28 September 2024

Photography & Genealogy SIG (In-person)

Time: 10:00 am – 12:30 pm ET

Location: First Presbyterian Church West Parking Lot (See below if you live outside of Cobb County)


Join us for the Great Genealogy Shootout! You will be given a list of 6 – 8 general topics and then have 2 hours to travel around Cobb County, or your local county *, taking pictures of genealogy related items that can fit into one or more categories. For those who are local, we will meet afterwards for lunch to discuss our pictures. At our December 12, 2024 virtual meeting, we will share our pictures and the stories behind them.

* If you live outside of Cobb County and would like to participate from your area during the same time frame, please email ccgsphoto@cobbgagensoc.org to receive a list of topics for the event. Email must be received by 5 pm on Friday, 27 September 2024.