Up Against a Brick Wall
When you encounter a brick wall situation in genealogy, joining a group such as the Genealogy Society of Cobb County is often the best solution. With members in Georgia and throughout the United States, as well as exchanges with other with other genealogical societies, the Genealogy Society of Cobb County can provide you with a wealth of resources and training.
If Your Family is Not From Around Here, Should You Join a Local Society?
Members do not have to be residents of Cobb County or have ancestors in the county or state to benefit from membership in the Cobb County Genealogical Society. The techniques and methods used are basically the same regardless of area. Many of our members do not have ancestors in the Cobb County area, but the exchange of ideas with other members serves as valuable resources.
What are the Benefits of Membership in the Genealogy Society of Cobb County?
- Ancestor Charts: The Society compiles ancestor charts from the membership for publication as well as maintaining copies for use by the members.
- Educational Series: Each year the Society offers a multi-week genealogy course.
- Family Tree Newsletter: Published six times per year; provides members with items of local interest, events, lectures, new member information.
- Family Tree Quarterly: Includes articles of general interest, abstracts of local records and newspapers, and family records. Members are encouraged to submit articles and queries for publication.
- Membership Directory: The Society publishes an annual directory of its members with surnames being researched.
- Members Area Website Section: Contain information for the Society’s members only – ancestor charts, current and past issues of ‘Family Tree Quarterly’ and ‘Family Tree Newsletter’, index for obituaries in selected issues of Marietta newspapers, etc.
- Monthly Lecture Series: Provides continuing education to Society members.
- Preservation: Cobb County records and resources are a major goal.
- Website: The Society’s Website provides information to members about Society meetings, publications, queries, other genealogical references and events.